Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So Long 2013


What a year! 

If you would have asked me a few weeks ago I would have told you that 2013 was not my year. I would have told you about the not so great things that happened to me in 2013. I would have told you about how I burned some bridges, how my car was hit and run, and about the apartment below mine that caught on fire, how I lost quite a bit of friendships, and at the same time felt really apathetic about the whole thing. But then I started thinking about it. Really thinking about 2013, and you know 2013 was one heck of a year. Yes, there was the not so great but there was also amazing things that happened. 2013 was definitely a year of travel and as much as I always want to travel more, I experienced some pretty amazing trips this year. I became really close to the people who were still around and even made some new friendships. I spent long hours in the photo building and built friendships out of that. I took a cruise, traveled to Europe, and spent my 23rd birthday at the Venice Biennale. I graduated from college, left my job, and became absolutely free from any known structure I had in my life.
I learned from a dear friend to say that 2014 will be my year. That I will trudge forward into the new year with an open mind and open arms ready to take on anything that 2014 has to throw at me. I will be more intentional, value the little things, and put my computer down more. 
I will go outside.
Enjoy the day, and the beauty around me.

Here is a glimpse of what 2013 gave to me. 

Cruise [Honduras, Cozumel,Belize]
Took my first ever cruise with many of my family members. The weather was chilly but it was still great to spend a week away from the real world with my family.

 Sarah, Brittany, & Jenna took Ariana and I in to their cozy home when we were homeless before we left the country. These ladies no matter the distance apart will always hold a special place in my heart.

Europe [Italy, Croatia, Switzerland]
Traveled with two of my best friends for two months around Europe. Met amazing people, ate great food, had unforgettable experiences.  

Moved into a precious new house with Ariana and gained living with a puppy, and having a backyard for the first time in San Marcos where we could invite friends over for any and every occasion. 

Had my Thesis show and then graduated from College. Which also forced me to quit my job in the photography building since I was no longer a student.

There were so many other fun, beautiful, silly, and exciting moments in 2013 that I just can't list all of them by name. So here are a few of my favorite times. From weddings, to photo shows, to hanging out with old and new friends. I'll forever treasure the memories. 

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